Saturday, September 4, 2010

Green, Green Soup

Do you have one of those recipes that you make about weekly and is really quick, really easy and really cheap and also surprisingly delicious?

Here you go:

Pea and Rocket Soup

1kg Frozen Peas
1litre good vege stock like Massel
1 bunch (a colander full from our vege patch...that's as exact as I can get) of  Rocket (that's Arugula, Lindsey)
1 onion
1/2 tbls Dijon mustard (but that's because I put Dijon in most things . . . except . . .  cake)

Cook onion in a little olive oil till softish. Bung everything else in and simmer for about 15-20 mins. Then "Mouli" (mush) it a bit to make it not too smooth but not too with some grated parmesan cheese if you want and definitely with some freshly ground black pepper . . . delicious (seriously, and low fat and good for you and incredibly almost Kryptonite or Algae green...but don't be put off, try it,you won't regret it)

1 comment:

  1. It's on my menu for next week! I also tried those flat breads from smitten kitchen they were yummy- I'm going to fiddle with the oil content to see how much is really needed to see if I can drop the kj count without compromising the flavour.
